
Running tests

Using tox

The preferred way to run tests is to use tox. It will take care of everything and run the tests on all supported Python versions, each in its own virtual environment:

$ pip install tox
$ tox

You can ask tox to run tests only against specific Python versions like this:

$ tox -e py25
$ tox -e py26,py27


If tox ever gives you trouble, you can ask it to recreate its virtualenvs by using the -r (or --recreate) option. Alternatively, you can start over completely by removing the .tox directory.

Using unittest

Alternatively, if you’re using Python 2.7, you can launch the tests using the built-in unittest runner:

$ python -m unittest discover

If you’re using Python 2.5 or 2.6, you’ll need to install unittest2 first, then use the provided unit2 command:

$ pip install unittest2
$ unit2 discover

Unit tests

The goal of the unit tests is to test the internal logic of fabtools functions, without actually running shell commands on a target system.

Running unit tests requires the mock library.

Functional tests

The goal of the functional tests is to test that fabtools functions have the expected effect when run against a real target system.

Functional tests are ordinary fabfiles, contained in the fabtools/tests/fabfiles/ folder.


Running functional tests requires Vagrant to launch virtual machines, against which all the tests will be run.

If Vagrant is not installed, the functional tests will be skipped automatically.

Selecting base boxes

If Vagrant is installed, the default is to run the tests on all available base boxes. You can specify which base boxes should be used by setting the FABTOOLS_TEST_BOXES environment variable:

$ FABTOOLS_TEST_BOXES='ubuntu_10_04 ubuntu_12_04' tox -e py27

You can also use this to manually disable functional tests, and run only the unit tests:


Selecting which tests to run

If you only want to execute specific fabfiles during a test run, you can select them using the FABTOOLS_TEST_INCLUDE environment variable:

$ FABTOOLS_TEST_INCLUDE='oracle.py redis.py' tox -e py27

If you want to exclude some fabfiles from a test run using the FABTOOLS_TEST_EXCLUDE environment variable:

$ FABTOOLS_TEST_EXCLUDE='nginx.py git.py' tox -e py27

Debugging functional tests

When you’re working on a test fabfile, sometimes you’ll want to manually inspect the state of the Vagrant VM. To do that, you can prevent it from being destroyed at the end of the test run by using the FABTOOLS_TEST_NODESTROY environment variable:

$ cd fabtools/tests
$ vagrant ssh