Source code for fabtools.require.nginx


This module provides high-level tools for installing the `nginx`_
web server and managing the configuration of web sites.

.. nginx:

from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import hide, settings
from fabric.colors import red

from fabtools.files import is_link
from fabtools.nginx import disable, enable
from fabtools.require.deb import package
from fabtools.require.files import template_file
from fabtools.require.service import started as require_started
from fabtools.service import reload as reload_service
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

[docs]def server(): """ Require nginx server to be installed and running. :: from fabtools import require require.nginx.server() """ package('nginx') require_started('nginx')
[docs]def enabled(config): """ Ensure link to /etc/nginx/sites-available/config exists and reload nginx configuration if needed. """ enable(config) reload_service('nginx')
[docs]def disabled(config): """ Ensure link to /etc/nginx/sites-available/config doesn't exist and reload nginx configuration if needed. """ disable(config) reload_service('nginx')
[docs]def site(server_name, template_contents=None, template_source=None, enabled=True, check_config=True, **kwargs): """ Require an nginx site. You must provide a template for the site configuration, either as a string (*template_contents*) or as the path to a local template file (*template_source*). :: from fabtools import require CONFIG_TPL = ''' server { listen %(port)d; server_name %(server_name)s %(server_alias)s; root %(docroot)s; access_log /var/log/nginx/%(server_name)s.log; }''''', template_contents=CONFIG_TPL, port=80, server_alias='', docroot='/var/www/mysite', ) .. seealso:: :py:func:`fabtools.require.files.template_file` """ server() config_filename = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s.conf' % server_name context = { 'port': 80, } context.update(kwargs) context['server_name'] = server_name template_file(config_filename, template_contents, template_source, context, use_sudo=True) link_filename = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s.conf' % server_name if enabled: if not is_link(link_filename): run_as_root("ln -s %(config_filename)s %(link_filename)s" % locals()) # Make sure we don't break the config if check_config: with settings(hide('running', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): if run_as_root("nginx -t").return_code > 0: print red("Error in %(server_name)s nginx site config (disabling for safety)" % locals()) run_as_root("rm %(link_filename)s" % locals()) else: if is_link(link_filename): run_as_root("rm %(link_filename)s" % locals()) reload_service('nginx')
PROXIED_SITE_TEMPLATE = """\ server { listen %(port)s; server_name %(server_name)s; gzip_vary on; # path for static files root %(docroot)s; try_files $uri @proxied; location @proxied { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass %(proxy_url)s; } access_log /var/log/nginx/%(server_name)s.log; } """
[docs]def proxied_site(server_name, enabled=True, **kwargs): """ Require an nginx site for a proxied app. This uses a predefined configuration template suitable for proxying requests to a backend application server. Required keyword arguments are: - *port*: the port nginx should listen on - *proxy_url*: URL of backend application server - *docroot*: path to static files :: from fabtools import require require.nginx.proxied_site('', port=80, proxy_url='', docroot='/path/to/myapp/static', ) """ site(server_name, template_contents=PROXIED_SITE_TEMPLATE, enabled=enabled, **kwargs)

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