Source code for fabtools.vagrant

Vagrant helpers
from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import env, hide, local, settings, task

[docs]def ssh_config(name=''): """ Get the SSH parameters for connecting to a vagrant VM. """ with settings(hide('running')): output = local('vagrant ssh-config %s' % name, capture=True) config = {} for line in output.splitlines()[1:]: key, value = line.strip().split(' ', 2) config[key] = value return config
def _settings_dict(config): settings = {} # Build host string user = config['User'] hostname = config['HostName'] port = config['Port'] settings['host_string'] = "%s@%s:%s" % (user, hostname, port) # Strip leading and trailing double quotes introduced by vagrant 1.1 settings['key_filename'] = config['IdentityFile'].strip('"') settings['forward_agent'] = (config.get('ForwardAgent', 'no') == 'yes') settings['disable_known_hosts'] = True return settings @task
[docs]def vagrant(name=''): """ Run the following tasks on a vagrant box. First, you need to import this task in your ````:: from fabric.api import * from fabtools.vagrant import vagrant @task def some_task(): run('echo hello') Then you can easily run tasks on your current Vagrant box:: $ fab vagrant some_task """ config = ssh_config(name) extra_args = _settings_dict(config) env.update(extra_args)
[docs]def vagrant_settings(name='', *args, **kwargs): """ Context manager that sets a vagrant VM as the remote host. Use this context manager inside a task to run commands on your current Vagrant box:: from fabtools.vagrant import vagrant_settings with vagrant_settings(): run('hostname') """ config = ssh_config(name) extra_args = _settings_dict(config) kwargs.update(extra_args) return settings(*args, **kwargs)

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