Source code for fabtools.python

Python environments and packages

This module includes tools for using `virtual environments`_
and installing packages using `pip`_.

.. _virtual environments:
.. _pip:

from __future__ import with_statement

from contextlib import contextmanager
from distutils.version import StrictVersion as V
from pipes import quote
import os
import posixpath

from fabric.api import cd, hide, prefix, run, settings, sudo
from fabric.utils import puts

from fabtools.utils import abspath, run_as_root

[docs]def is_pip_installed(version=None, use_python='python'): """ Check if `pip`_ is installed. .. _pip: """ with settings(hide('running', 'warnings', 'stderr', 'stdout'), warn_only=True): res = run('%(use_python)s -m pip --version 2>/dev/null' % locals()) if res.failed: return False if version is None: return res.succeeded else: installed = res.split(' ')[1] if V(installed) < V(version): puts("pip %s found (version >= %s required)" % (installed, version)) return False else: return True
[docs]def install_pip(use_python='python'): """ Install the latest version of `pip`_. .. _pip: :: import fabtools if not fabtools.python.is_pip_installed(): fabtools.python.install_pip() """ with cd('/tmp'): run('curl --silent -O') run_as_root('%(use_python)s' % locals(), pty=False)
[docs]def is_installed(package, use_python='python'): """ Check if a Python package is installed. """ options = [] options = ' '.join(options) with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): res = run('%(use_python)s -m pip freeze %(options)s' % locals()) packages = [line.split('==')[0] for line in res.splitlines()] return (package in packages)
def _get_python_version(use_python): return run("""python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[0:3])))'""").strip()
[docs]def install(packages, upgrade=False, use_mirrors=False, use_sudo=False, user=None, download_cache=None, quiet=False, use_python='python'): """ Install Python package(s) using `pip`_. .. _pip: Examples:: import fabtools # Install a single package fabtools.python.install('package', use_sudo=True) # Install a list of packages fabtools.python.install(['pkg1', 'pkg2'], use_sudo=True) """ if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = ' '.join(packages) options = [] if use_mirrors: options.append('--use-mirrors') if upgrade: options.append('--upgrade') if download_cache: options.append('--download-cache="%s"' % download_cache) if quiet: options.append('--quiet') options = ' '.join(options) version = _get_python_version(use_python).split('.') if (int(version[0]) < 3) and (int(version[1]) < 7): command = 'pip-%s.%s' % (version[0], version[1]) else: command = '%(use_python)s -m pip' % locals() command += ' install %(options)s %(packages)s' % locals() if use_sudo: sudo(command, user=user, pty=False) else: run(command, pty=False)
[docs]def install_requirements(filename, upgrade=False, use_mirrors=False, use_sudo=False, user=None, download_cache=None, quiet=False, use_python='python'): """ Install Python packages from a pip `requirements file`_. :: import fabtools fabtools.python.install_requirements('project/requirements.txt') .. _requirements file: """ options = [] if use_mirrors: options.append('--use-mirrors') if upgrade: options.append('--upgrade') if download_cache: options.append('--download-cache="%s"' % download_cache) if quiet: options.append('--quiet') options = ' '.join(options) command = '%(use_python)s -m pip install %(options)s -r %(filename)s' % locals() if use_sudo: sudo(command, user=user, pty=False) else: run(command, pty=False)
[docs]def virtualenv(directory, local=False): """ Context manager to activate an existing Python `virtual environment`_. :: from fabric.api import run from fabtools.python import virtualenv with virtualenv('/path/to/virtualenv'): run('python -V') .. _virtual environment: """ path_mod = os.path if local else posixpath # Build absolute path to the virtualenv activation script venv_path = abspath(directory) activate_path = path_mod.join(venv_path, 'bin', 'activate') # Source the activation script with prefix('. %s' % quote(activate_path)): yield

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