Source code for fabtools.python_distribute

Python packages

This module provides tools for installing Python packages using
the ``easy_install`` command provided by `distribute`_.

.. _distribute:

from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import cd, run

from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

[docs]def is_distribute_installed(use_python='python'): """ Check if `distribute`_ is installed. .. _distribute: """ cmd = '''%(use_python)s -c "import pkg_resources;\ print pkg_resources.get_distribution('distribute')" ''' % locals() res = run(cmd, quiet=True) return res.succeeded and (res.find('distribute') >= 0)
[docs]def install_distribute(use_python='python'): """ Install the latest version of `distribute`_. .. _distribute: :: from fabtools.python_distribute import * if not is_distribute_installed(): install_distribute() """ with cd("/tmp"): run("curl --silent -O") run_as_root("%(use_python)s" % locals())
[docs]def install(packages, upgrade=False, use_sudo=False, use_python='python'): """ Install Python packages with ``easy_install``. Examples:: import fabtools # Install a single package fabtools.python_distribute.install('package', use_sudo=True) # Install a list of packages fabtools.python_distribute.install(['pkg1', 'pkg2'], use_sudo=True) .. note:: most of the time, you'll want to use :py:func:`fabtools.python.install()` instead, which uses ``pip`` to install packages. """ func = use_sudo and run_as_root or run if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options = [] if upgrade: options.append("-U") options = " ".join(options) func('%(use_python)s -m easy_install %(options)s %(packages)s' % locals())

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