

This module provides high-level tools for managing Git repositories.

See also



Require the git command-line tool.


from fabric.api import run
from fabtools import require

run('git --help')
fabtools.require.git.working_copy(remote_url, path=None, branch='master', update=True, use_sudo=False, user=None)[source]

Require a working copy of the repository from the remote_url.

The path is optional, and defaults to the last segment of the remote repository URL, without its .git suffix.

If the path does not exist, this will clone the remote repository and check out the specified branch.

If the path exists and update is True, it will fetch changes from the remote repository, check out the specified branch, then merge the remote changes into the working copy.

If the path exists and update is False, it will only check out the specified branch, without fetching remote changesets.

  • remote_url (str) – URL of the remote repository (e.g. https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools.git). The given URL will be the origin remote of the working copy.
  • path (str) – Absolute or relative path of the working copy on the filesystem. If this directory doesn’t exist yet, a new working copy is created through git clone. If the directory does exist and update == True, a git fetch is issued. If path is None the git clone is issued in the current working directory and the directory name of the working copy is created by git.
  • branch (str) – Branch to check out.
  • update (bool) – Whether or not to fetch and merge remote changesets.
  • use_sudo (bool) – If True execute git with fabric.operations.sudo(), else with fabric.operations.run().
  • user (str) – If use_sudo is True, run fabric.operations.sudo() with the given user. If use_sudo is False this parameter has no effect.

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