Source code for fabtools.deb

Debian packages

This module provides tools to manage Debian/Ubuntu packages
and repositories.

from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import hide, run, settings

from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

MANAGER = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get'

[docs]def update_index(quiet=True): """ Update APT package definitions. """ options = "--quiet --quiet" if quiet else "" run_as_root("%s %s update" % (MANAGER, options))
[docs]def upgrade(safe=True): """ Upgrade all packages. """ manager = MANAGER if safe: cmd = 'upgrade' else: cmd = 'dist-upgrade' run_as_root("%(manager)s --assume-yes %(cmd)s" % locals(), pty=False)
[docs]def is_installed(pkg_name): """ Check if a package is installed. """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): res = run("dpkg -s %(pkg_name)s" % locals()) for line in res.splitlines(): if line.startswith("Status: "): status = line[8:] if "installed" in status.split(' '): return True return False
[docs]def install(packages, update=False, options=None, version=None): """ Install one or more packages. If *update* is ``True``, the package definitions will be updated first, using :py:func:`~fabtools.deb.update_index`. Extra *options* may be passed to ``apt-get`` if necessary. Example:: import fabtools # Update index, then install a single package fabtools.deb.install('build-essential', update=True) # Install multiple packages fabtools.deb.install([ 'python-dev', 'libxml2-dev', ]) # Install a specific version fabtools.deb.install('emacs', version='23.3+1-1ubuntu9') """ manager = MANAGER if update: update_index() if options is None: options = [] if version is None: version = '' if version and not isinstance(packages, list): version = '=' + version if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options.append("--quiet") options.append("--assume-yes") options = " ".join(options) cmd = '%(manager)s install %(options)s %(packages)s%(version)s' % locals() run_as_root(cmd, pty=False)
[docs]def uninstall(packages, purge=False, options=None): """ Remove one or more packages. If *purge* is ``True``, the package configuration files will be removed from the system. Extra *options* may be passed to ``apt-get`` if necessary. """ manager = MANAGER command = "purge" if purge else "remove" if options is None: options = [] if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options.append("--assume-yes") options = " ".join(options) cmd = '%(manager)s %(command)s %(options)s %(packages)s' % locals() run_as_root(cmd, pty=False)
[docs]def preseed_package(pkg_name, preseed): """ Enable unattended package installation by preseeding ``debconf`` parameters. Example:: import fabtools # Unattended install of Postfix mail server fabtools.deb.preseed_package('postfix', { 'postfix/main_mailer_type': ('select', 'Internet Site'), 'postfix/mailname': ('string', ''), 'postfix/destinations': ('string', ', localhost.localdomain, localhost'), }) fabtools.deb.install('postfix') """ for q_name, _ in preseed.items(): q_type, q_answer = _ run_as_root('echo "%(pkg_name)s %(q_name)s %(q_type)s %(q_answer)s" | debconf-set-selections' % locals())
[docs]def get_selections(): """ Get the state of ``dkpg`` selections. Returns a dict with state => [packages]. """ with settings(hide('stdout')): res = run_as_root('dpkg --get-selections') selections = dict() for line in res.splitlines(): package, status = line.split() selections.setdefault(status, list()).append(package) return selections
[docs]def apt_key_exists(keyid): """ Check if the given key id exists in apt keyring. """ # Command extracted from apt-key source gpg_cmd = 'gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg' with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True): res = run('%(gpg_cmd)s --fingerprint %(keyid)s' % locals()) return res.succeeded
def _check_pgp_key(path, keyid): with settings(hide('everything')): return not run('gpg --with-colons %(path)s | cut -d: -f 5 | grep -q \'%(keyid)s$\'' % locals())
[docs]def add_apt_key(filename=None, url=None, keyid=None, keyserver='', update=False): """ Trust packages signed with this public key. Example:: import fabtools # Varnish signing key from URL and verify fingerprint) fabtools.deb.add_apt_key(keyid='C4DEFFEB', url='') # Nginx signing key from default key server ( fabtools.deb.add_apt_key(keyid='7BD9BF62') # From custom key server fabtools.deb.add_apt_key(keyid='7BD9BF62', keyserver='') # From a file fabtools.deb.add_apt_key(keyid='7BD9BF62', filename='nginx.asc' """ if keyid is None: if filename is not None: run_as_root('apt-key add %(filename)s' % locals()) elif url is not None: run_as_root('wget %(url)s -O - | apt-key add -' % locals()) else: raise ValueError('Either filename, url or keyid must be provided as argument') else: if filename is not None: _check_pgp_key(filename, keyid) run_as_root('apt-key add %(filename)s' % locals()) elif url is not None: tmp_key = '/tmp/tmp.fabtools.key.%(keyid)s.key' % locals() run_as_root('wget %(url)s -O %(tmp_key)s' % locals()) _check_pgp_key(tmp_key, keyid) run_as_root('apt-key add %(tmp_key)s' % locals()) else: keyserver_opt = '--keyserver %(keyserver)s' % locals() if keyserver is not None else '' run_as_root('apt-key adv %(keyserver_opt)s --recv-keys %(keyid)s' % locals()) if update: update_index()
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