Source code for fabtools.user

from __future__ import with_statement

from pipes import quote
import posixpath
import random
import string

from fabric.api import hide, run, settings, sudo, local

from import (
    exists as _group_exists,
    create as _group_create,
from fabtools.files import uncommented_lines
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

[docs]def exists(name): """ Check if a user exists. """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): return run('getent passwd %(name)s' % locals()).succeeded
_SALT_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + './' def _crypt_password(password): from crypt import crypt random.seed() salt = '' for _ in range(2): salt += random.choice(_SALT_CHARS) crypted_password = crypt(password, salt) return crypted_password
[docs]def create(name, comment=None, home=None, create_home=None, skeleton_dir=None, group=None, create_group=True, extra_groups=None, password=None, system=False, shell=None, uid=None, ssh_public_keys=None, non_unique=False): """ Create a new user and its home directory. If *create_home* is ``None`` (the default), a home directory will be created for normal users, but not for system users. You can override the default behaviour by setting *create_home* to ``True`` or ``False``. If *system* is ``True``, the user will be a system account. Its UID will be chosen in a specific range, and it will not have a home directory, unless you explicitely set *create_home* to ``True``. If *shell* is ``None``, the user's login shell will be the system's default login shell (usually ``/bin/sh``). *ssh_public_keys* can be a (local) filename or a list of (local) filenames of public keys that should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys (see :py:func:`fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_keys`). Example:: import fabtools if not fabtools.user.exists('alice'): fabtools.user.create('alice') with cd('/home/alice'): # ... """ # Note that we use useradd (and not adduser), as it is the most # portable command to create users across various distributions: # args = [] if comment: args.append('-c %s' % quote(comment)) if home: args.append('-d %s' % quote(home)) if group: args.append('-g %s' % quote(group)) if create_group: if not _group_exists(group): _group_create(group) if extra_groups: groups = ','.join(quote(group) for group in extra_groups) args.append('-G %s' % groups) if create_home is None: create_home = not system if create_home is True: args.append('-m') elif create_home is False: args.append('-M') if skeleton_dir: args.append('-k %s' % quote(skeleton_dir)) if password: crypted_password = _crypt_password(password) args.append('-p %s' % quote(crypted_password)) if system: args.append('-r') if shell: args.append('-s %s' % quote(shell)) if uid: args.append('-u %s' % quote(uid)) if non_unique: args.append('-o') args.append(name) args = ' '.join(args) run_as_root('useradd %s' % args) if ssh_public_keys: if isinstance(ssh_public_keys, basestring): ssh_public_keys = [ssh_public_keys] add_ssh_public_keys(name, ssh_public_keys)
[docs]def modify(name, comment=None, home=None, move_current_home=False, group=None, extra_groups=None, login_name=None, password=None, shell=None, uid=None, ssh_public_keys=None, non_unique=False): """ Modify an existing user. *ssh_public_keys* can be a (local) filename or a list of (local) filenames of public keys that should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys (see :py:func:`fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_keys`). Example:: import fabtools if fabtools.user.exists('alice'): fabtools.user.modify('alice', shell='/bin/sh') """ args = [] if comment: args.append('-c %s' % quote(comment)) if home: args.append('-d %s' % quote(home)) if move_current_home: args.append('-m') if group: args.append('-g %s' % quote(group)) if extra_groups: groups = ','.join(quote(group) for group in extra_groups) args.append('-G %s' % groups) if login_name: args.append('-l %s' % quote(login_name)) if password: crypted_password = _crypt_password(password) args.append('-p %s' % quote(crypted_password)) if shell: args.append('-s %s' % quote(shell)) if uid: args.append('-u %s' % quote(uid)) if non_unique: args.append('-o') if args: args.append(name) args = ' '.join(args) run_as_root('usermod %s' % args) if ssh_public_keys: if isinstance(ssh_public_keys, basestring): ssh_public_keys = [ssh_public_keys] add_ssh_public_keys(name, ssh_public_keys)
[docs]def home_directory(name): """ Get the absolute path to the user's home directory Example:: import fabtools home = fabtools.user.home_directory('alice') """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return run('echo ~' + name)
[docs]def local_home_directory(name=''): """ Get the absolute path to the local user's home directory Example:: import fabtools local_home = fabtools.user.local_home_directory() """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return local('echo ~' + name, capture=True)
[docs]def authorized_keys(name): """ Get the list of authorized SSH public keys for the user """ ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh') authorized_keys_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys') return uncommented_lines(authorized_keys_filename, use_sudo=True)
[docs]def add_ssh_public_key(name, filename): """ Add a public key to the user's authorized SSH keys. *filename* must be the local filename of a public key that should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys. Example:: import fabtools fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_key('alice', '~/.ssh/') """ add_ssh_public_keys(name, [filename])
[docs]def add_ssh_public_keys(name, filenames): """ Add multiple public keys to the user's authorized SSH keys. *filenames* must be a list of local filenames of public keys that should be added to the user's SSH authorized keys. Example:: import fabtools fabtools.user.add_ssh_public_keys('alice', [ '~/.ssh/', '~/.ssh/', ]) """ from fabtools.require.files import ( directory as _require_directory, file as _require_file, ) ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh') _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True) authorized_keys_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys') _require_file(authorized_keys_filename, mode='600', owner=name, use_sudo=True) for filename in filenames: with open(filename) as public_key_file: public_key = # we don't use fabric.contrib.files.append() as it's buggy if public_key not in authorized_keys(name): sudo('echo %s >>%s' % (quote(public_key), quote(authorized_keys_filename)))
[docs]def add_host_keys(name, hostname): """ Add all public keys of a host to the user's SSH known hosts file """ from fabtools.require.files import ( directory as _require_directory, file as _require_file, ) ssh_dir = posixpath.join(home_directory(name), '.ssh') _require_directory(ssh_dir, mode='700', owner=name, use_sudo=True) known_hosts_filename = posixpath.join(ssh_dir, 'known_hosts') _require_file(known_hosts_filename, mode='644', owner=name, use_sudo=True) known_hosts = uncommented_lines(known_hosts_filename, use_sudo=True) with hide('running', 'stdout'): res = run('ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa %s 2>/dev/null' % hostname) for host_key in res.splitlines(): if host_key not in known_hosts: sudo('echo %s >>%s' % (quote(host_key), quote(known_hosts_filename)))
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