Source code for fabtools.rpm

RPM packages

This module provides tools to manage CentOS/RHEL/SL/Fedora packages
and repositories.

from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import hide, run, settings

from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

MANAGER = 'yum -y --color=never'

[docs]def update(kernel=False): """ Upgrade all packages, skip obsoletes if ``obsoletes=0`` in ``yum.conf``. Exclude *kernel* upgrades by default. """ manager = MANAGER cmds = {'yum -y --color=never': {False: '--exclude=kernel* update', True: 'update'}} cmd = cmds[manager][kernel] run_as_root("%(manager)s %(cmd)s" % locals())
[docs]def upgrade(kernel=False): """ Upgrade all packages, including obsoletes. Exclude *kernel* upgrades by default. """ manager = MANAGER cmds = {'yum -y --color=never': {False: '--exclude=kernel* upgrade', True: 'upgrade'}} cmd = cmds[manager][kernel] run_as_root("%(manager)s %(cmd)s" % locals())
[docs]def groupupdate(group, options=None): """ Update an existing software group, skip obsoletes if ``obsoletes=1`` in ``yum.conf``. Extra *options* may be passed to ``yum`` if necessary. """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] options = " ".join(options) run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s groupupdate "%(group)s"' % locals())
[docs]def is_installed(pkg_name): """ Check if a *package* is installed. """ manager = MANAGER with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): res = run("%(manager)s list installed %(pkg_name)s" % locals()) if res.succeeded: return True return False
[docs]def install(packages, repos=None, yes=None, options=None): """ Install one or more *packages*. Extra *repos* may be passed to ``yum`` to enable extra repositories at install time. Extra *yes* may be passed to ``yum`` to validate license if necessary. Extra *options* may be passed to ``yum`` if necessary like: ['--nogpgcheck', '--exclude=package'] Example:: import fabtools # Install a single package, in an alternative install root fabtools.rpm.install('emacs', options='--installroot=/my/new/location') # Install multiple packages silently fabtools.rpm.install([ 'unzip', 'nano' ], '--quiet') """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) if repos: for repo in repos: options.append('--enablerepo=%(repo)s' % locals()) options = " ".join(options) if isinstance(yes, str): run_as_root('yes %(yes)s | %(manager)s %(options)s install %(packages)s' % locals()) else: run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s install %(packages)s' % locals())
[docs]def groupinstall(group, options=None): """ Install a *group* of packages. Use ``yum grouplist`` to get the list of groups. Extra *options* may be passed to ``yum`` if necessary like: ['--nogpgcheck', '--exclude=package'] Example:: import fabtools # Install development packages fabtools.rpm.groupinstall('Development tools') """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] options = " ".join(options) run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s groupinstall "%(group)s"' % locals(), pty=False)
[docs]def uninstall(packages, options=None): """ Remove one or more *packages*. Extra *options* may be passed to ``yum`` if necessary. """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options = " ".join(options) run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s remove %(packages)s' % locals())
[docs]def groupuninstall(group, options=None): """ Remove an existing software group. Extra *options* may be passed to ``yum`` if necessary. """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] options = " ".join(options) run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s groupremove "%(group)s"' % locals())
[docs]def repolist(status='', media=None): """ Get the list of ``yum`` repositories. Returns enabled repositories by default. Extra *status* may be passed to list disabled repositories if necessary. Media and debug repositories are kept disabled, except if you pass *media*. Example:: import fabtools # Install a package that may be included in disabled repositories fabtools.rpm.install('vim', fabtools.rpm.repolist('disabled')) """ manager = MANAGER with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): if media: repos = run_as_root("%(manager)s repolist %(status)s | sed '$d' | sed -n '/repo id/,$p'" % locals()) else: repos = run_as_root("%(manager)s repolist %(status)s | sed '/Media\\|Debug/d' | sed '$d' | sed -n '/repo id/,$p'" % locals()) return map(lambda line: line.split(' ')[0], repos.splitlines()[1:])
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