Source code for fabtools.require.files

Files and directories

This module provides high-level tools for managing files and

from __future__ import with_statement

from pipes import quote
from tempfile import mkstemp
from urlparse import urlparse
import hashlib
import os

from fabric.api import hide, put, run, settings

from fabtools.files import (
    group as _group,
    mode as _mode,
    owner as _owner,
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root
import fabtools.files

BLOCKSIZE = 2 ** 20  # 1MB

[docs]def directory(path, use_sudo=False, owner='', group='', mode=''): """ Require a directory to exist. :: from fabtools import require'/tmp/mydir', owner='alice', use_sudo=True) .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ func = use_sudo and run_as_root or run if not is_dir(path): func('mkdir -p "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct owner if (owner and _owner(path, use_sudo) != owner) or \ (group and _group(path, use_sudo) != group): func('chown %(owner)s:%(group)s "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct mode if mode and _mode(path, use_sudo) != mode: func('chmod %(mode)s "%(path)s"' % locals())
[docs]def directories(path_list, use_sudo=False, owner='', group='', mode=''): """ Require a list of directories to exist. :: from fabtools import require dirs=[ '/tmp/mydir', '/tmp/mydear', '/tmp/my/dir' ] require.directories(dirs, owner='alice', mode='750') .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ for path in path_list: directory(path, use_sudo, owner, group, mode)
[docs]def file(path=None, contents=None, source=None, url=None, md5=None, use_sudo=False, owner=None, group='', mode=None, verify_remote=True, temp_dir='/tmp'): """ Require a file to exist and have specific contents and properties. You can provide either: - *contents*: the required contents of the file:: from fabtools import require require.file('/tmp/hello.txt', contents='Hello, world') - *source*: the local path of a file to upload:: from fabtools import require require.file('/tmp/hello.txt', source='files/hello.txt') - *url*: the URL of a file to download (*path* is then optional):: from fabric.api import cd from fabtools import require with cd('tmp'): require.file(url='') If *verify_remote* is ``True`` (the default), then an MD5 comparison will be used to check whether the remote file is the same as the source. If this is ``False``, the file will be assumed to be the same if it is present. This is useful for very large files, where generating an MD5 sum may take a while. When providing either the *contents* or the *source* parameter, Fabric's ``put`` function will be used to upload the file to the remote host. When ``use_sudo`` is ``True``, the file will first be uploaded to a temporary directory, then moved to its final location. The default temporary directory is ``/tmp``, but can be overridden with the *temp_dir* parameter. If *temp_dir* is an empty string, then the user's home directory will be used. If `use_sudo` is `True`, then the remote file will be owned by root, and its mode will reflect root's default *umask*. The optional *owner*, *group* and *mode* parameters can be used to override these properties. .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ func = use_sudo and run_as_root or run # 1) Only a path is given if path and not (contents or source or url): assert path if not is_file(path): func('touch "%(path)s"' % locals()) # 2) A URL is specified (path is optional) elif url: if not path: path = os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path) if not is_file(path) or md5 and md5sum(path) != md5: func('wget --progress=dot:mega %(url)s -O %(path)s' % locals()) # 3) A local filename, or a content string, is specified else: if source: assert not contents t = None else: fd, source = mkstemp() t = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') t.write(contents) t.close() if verify_remote: # Avoid reading the whole file into memory at once digest = hashlib.md5() f = open(source, 'rb') try: while True: d = if not d: break digest.update(d) finally: f.close() else: digest = None if (not is_file(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) or (verify_remote and md5sum(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) != digest.hexdigest())): with settings(hide('running')): put(source, path, use_sudo=use_sudo, temp_dir=temp_dir) if t is not None: os.unlink(source) # Ensure correct owner if use_sudo and owner is None: owner = 'root' if (owner and _owner(path, use_sudo) != owner) or \ (group and _group(path, use_sudo) != group): func('chown %(owner)s:%(group)s "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct mode if use_sudo and mode is None: mode = oct(0666 & ~int(umask(use_sudo=True), base=8)) if mode and _mode(path, use_sudo) != mode: func('chmod %(mode)s "%(path)s"' % locals())
[docs]def template_file(path=None, template_contents=None, template_source=None, context=None, **kwargs): """ Require a file whose contents is defined by a template. """ if template_contents is None: with open(template_source) as template_file: template_contents = if context is None: context = {} file(path=path, contents=template_contents % context, **kwargs)
[docs]def temporary_directory(template=None): """ Require a temporary directory. The directory is created using the ``mktemp`` command. It will be created in ``/tmp``, unless the ``TMPDIR`` environment variable is set to another location. :: from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory tmp_dir = temporary_directory() You can choose a specific location and name template for the temporary directory: :: from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory tmp_dir = temporary_directory('/var/tmp/temp.XXXXXX') You can also call this function as a context manager. In this case, the directory and its contents will be automatically deleted when exiting the block: :: from pipes import quote from posixpath import join from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir: path = join(tmp_dir, 'foo') run('touch %s' % quote(path)) """ options = ['--directory'] if template: options.append(template) options = ' '.join(options) with hide('running', 'stdout'): path = run('mktemp %s' % options) return TemporaryDirectory(path)
class TemporaryDirectory(str): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): run('rm -rf %s' % quote(self))