Source code for fabtools.oracle_jdk

Oracle JDK

This module provides tools for installing `Oracle JDK`_

.. _Oracle JDK:


from pipes import quote
from textwrap import dedent
import posixpath
import re

from fabric.api import run, cd, settings, hide

from fabtools.files import is_dir, is_link
from fabtools.system import get_arch
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

DEFAULT_VERSION = '7u25-b15'

[docs]def install_from_oracle_site(version=DEFAULT_VERSION): """ Download tarball from Oracle site and install JDK. :: import fabtools # Install Oracle JDK fabtools.oracle_jdk.install_from_oracle_site() """ prefix = '/opt' release, build = version.split('-') major, update = release.split('u') if len(update) == 1: update = '0' + update arch = _required_jdk_arch() self_extracting_archive = (major == '6') extension = 'bin' if self_extracting_archive else 'tar.gz' filename = 'jdk-%(release)s-linux-%(arch)s.%(extension)s' % locals() download_path = posixpath.join('/tmp', filename) url = '' % locals() _download(url, download_path) # Prepare install dir install_dir = 'jdk1.%(major)s.0_%(update)s' % locals() with cd(prefix): if is_dir(install_dir): run_as_root('rm -rf %s' % quote(install_dir)) # Extract if self_extracting_archive: run('chmod u+x %s' % quote(download_path)) with cd('/tmp'): run_as_root('rm -rf %s' % quote(install_dir)) run_as_root('./%s' % filename) run_as_root('mv %s %s' % (quote(install_dir), quote(prefix))) else: with cd(prefix): run_as_root('tar xzvf %s' % quote(download_path)) # Set up link link_path = posixpath.join(prefix, 'jdk') if is_link(link_path): run_as_root('rm -f %s' % quote(link_path)) run_as_root('ln -s %s %s' % (quote(install_dir), quote(link_path))) # Remove archive run('rm -f %s' % quote(download_path)) _create_profile_d_file(prefix)
def _download(url, download_path): from fabtools.require.curl import command as require_curl_command require_curl_command() options = " ".join([ '--header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"', '--location', ]) run('curl %(options)s %(url)s -o %(download_path)s' % locals()) def _create_profile_d_file(prefix): """ Create profile.d file with Java environment variables set. """ from fabtools.require.files import file as require_file require_file( '/etc/profile.d/', contents=dedent("""\ export JAVA_HOME="%s/jdk" export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" """ % prefix), mode='0755', use_sudo=True, )
[docs]def version(): """ Get the version of currently installed JDK. Returns ``None`` if it is not installed. """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'warnings'), warn_only=True): res = run('java -version') if res.failed: return None else: return _extract_jdk_version(res)
def _required_jdk_arch(): """ Returns required JDK architecture for current system in format used in Oracle JDK packages: x64 or i586. Raises exception when current system architecture is unsupported. """ system_arch = get_arch() if system_arch == 'x86_64': return 'x64' elif re.match('i[0-9]86', system_arch): return 'i586' else: raise Exception("Unsupported system architecture '%s' for Oracle JDK" % system_arch) def _extract_jdk_version(java_version_out): """ Extracts JDK version in format like '7u13-b20' from 'java -version' command output. """ match ='Runtime Environment \(build (.*?)\)', java_version_out) if match is None: return None version, build ='-') release = version.split('_')[0].split('.')[1] update = str(int(version.split('_')[1])) return '%(release)su%(update)s-%(build)s' % locals()