Source code for fabtools.pkg

SmartOS packages

This module provides tools to manage `SmartOS`_ packages.

.. _SmartOS:


from fabric.api import hide, quiet, run, settings

from fabtools.files import is_file
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root

MANAGER = 'pkgin'

[docs]def update_index(force=False): """ Update pkgin package definitions. """ manager = MANAGER if force: with quiet(): # clean the package cache run_as_root("%(manager)s clean" % locals()) run_as_root("%(manager)s -f update" % locals()) else: run_as_root("%(manager)s update" % locals())
[docs]def upgrade(full=False): """ Upgrade all packages. """ manager = MANAGER cmds = {'pkgin': {False: 'uprade', True: 'full-upgrade'}} cmd = cmds[manager][full] run_as_root("%(manager)s -y %(cmd)s" % locals())
[docs]def is_installed(pkg_name): """ Check if a package is installed. """ with settings(warn_only=True): res = run('pkg_info -e %s' % pkg_name) return res.succeeded is True
[docs]def install(packages, update=False, yes=None, options=None): """ Install one or more packages. If *update* is ``True``, the package definitions will be updated first, using :py:func:`~fabtools.pkg.update_index`. Extra *yes* may be passed to ``pkgin`` to validate license if necessary. Extra *options* may be passed to ``pkgin`` if necessary. Example:: import fabtools # Update index, then verbosely install a single package fabtools.pkg.install('redis', update=True, options='-V',) # Install multiple packages fabtools.pkg.install([ 'unzip', 'top' ]) """ manager = MANAGER if update: update_index() if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options.append("-y") options = " ".join(options) if isinstance(yes, str): run_as_root('yes %(yes)s | %(manager)s %(options)s install %(packages)s' % locals()) else: run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s install %(packages)s' % locals())
[docs]def uninstall(packages, orphan=False, options=None): """ Remove one or more packages. If *orphan* is ``True``, orphan dependencies will be removed from the system. Extra *options* may be passed to ``pkgin`` if necessary. """ manager = MANAGER if options is None: options = [] elif isinstance(options, str): options = [options] if not isinstance(packages, basestring): packages = " ".join(packages) options.append("-y") options = " ".join(options) if orphan: run_as_root('%(manager)s -y autoremove' % locals()) run_as_root('%(manager)s %(options)s remove %(packages)s' % locals())
[docs]def smartos_build(): """ Get the build of SmartOS. Useful to determine provider for example. Example:: from fabtools.pkg import smartos_build if smartos_build().startswith('joyent'): print('SmartOS Joyent') """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return run('uname -v')
[docs]def smartos_image(): """ Get the SmartOS image. Useful to determine the image/dataset for example. Returns None if it can't be determined. Example:: from fabtools.pkg import smartos_image if smartos_image().startswith('percona'): sudo("mysql -uroot -psecretpassword -e 'show databases;'") """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): if is_file('/etc/product'): return run('cat /etc/product | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk \'{ print $2 " " $3 }\'') else: return None