Source code for fabtools.require.files

Files and directories

This module provides high-level tools for managing files and


from pipes import quote
from tempfile import mkstemp
from urlparse import urlparse
import hashlib
import os

from fabric.api import hide, put, run, settings

from fabtools.files import (
    group as _group,
    mode as _mode,
    owner as _owner,
from fabtools.utils import run_as_root
import fabtools.files

BLOCKSIZE = 2 ** 20  # 1MB

[docs]def directory(path, use_sudo=False, owner='', group='', mode=''): """ Require a directory to exist. :: from fabtools import require'/tmp/mydir', owner='alice', use_sudo=True) .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ func = use_sudo and run_as_root or run if not is_dir(path): func('mkdir -p "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct owner if (owner and _owner(path, use_sudo) != owner) or \ (group and _group(path, use_sudo) != group): func('chown %(owner)s:%(group)s "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct mode if mode and _mode(path, use_sudo) != mode: func('chmod %(mode)s "%(path)s"' % locals())
[docs]def directories(path_list, use_sudo=False, owner='', group='', mode=''): """ Require a list of directories to exist. :: from fabtools import require dirs=[ '/tmp/mydir', '/tmp/mydear', '/tmp/my/dir' ] require.directories(dirs, owner='alice', mode='750') .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ for path in path_list: directory(path, use_sudo, owner, group, mode)
[docs]def file(path=None, contents=None, source=None, url=None, md5=None, use_sudo=False, owner=None, group='', mode=None, verify_remote=True, temp_dir='/tmp'): """ Require a file to exist and have specific contents and properties. You can provide either: - *contents*: the required contents of the file:: from fabtools import require require.file('/tmp/hello.txt', contents='Hello, world') - *source*: the local path of a file to upload:: from fabtools import require require.file('/tmp/hello.txt', source='files/hello.txt') - *url*: the URL of a file to download (*path* is then optional):: from fabric.api import cd from fabtools import require with cd('tmp'): require.file(url='') If *verify_remote* is ``True`` (the default), then an MD5 comparison will be used to check whether the remote file is the same as the source. If this is ``False``, the file will be assumed to be the same if it is present. This is useful for very large files, where generating an MD5 sum may take a while. When providing either the *contents* or the *source* parameter, Fabric's ``put`` function will be used to upload the file to the remote host. When ``use_sudo`` is ``True``, the file will first be uploaded to a temporary directory, then moved to its final location. The default temporary directory is ``/tmp``, but can be overridden with the *temp_dir* parameter. If *temp_dir* is an empty string, then the user's home directory will be used. If `use_sudo` is `True`, then the remote file will be owned by root, and its mode will reflect root's default *umask*. The optional *owner*, *group* and *mode* parameters can be used to override these properties. .. note:: This function can be accessed directly from the ``fabtools.require`` module for convenience. """ func = use_sudo and run_as_root or run # 1) Only a path is given if path and not (contents or source or url): assert path if not is_file(path): func('touch "%(path)s"' % locals()) # 2) A URL is specified (path is optional) elif url: if not path: path = os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path) if not is_file(path) or md5 and md5sum(path) != md5: func('wget --progress=dot:mega %(url)s -O %(path)s' % locals()) # 3) A local filename, or a content string, is specified else: if source: assert not contents t = None else: fd, source = mkstemp() t = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') t.write(contents) t.close() if verify_remote: # Avoid reading the whole file into memory at once digest = hashlib.md5() f = open(source, 'rb') try: while True: d = if not d: break digest.update(d) finally: f.close() else: digest = None if (not is_file(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) or (verify_remote and md5sum(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) != digest.hexdigest())): with settings(hide('running')): put(source, path, use_sudo=use_sudo, temp_dir=temp_dir) if t is not None: os.unlink(source) # Ensure correct owner if use_sudo and owner is None: owner = 'root' if (owner and _owner(path, use_sudo) != owner) or \ (group and _group(path, use_sudo) != group): func('chown %(owner)s:%(group)s "%(path)s"' % locals()) # Ensure correct mode if use_sudo and mode is None: mode = oct(0666 & ~int(umask(use_sudo=True), base=8)) if mode and _mode(path, use_sudo) != mode: func('chmod %(mode)s "%(path)s"' % locals())
[docs]def template_file(path=None, template_contents=None, template_source=None, context=None, **kwargs): """ Require a file whose contents is defined by a template. """ if template_contents is None: with open(template_source) as template_file: template_contents = if context is None: context = {} file(path=path, contents=template_contents % context, **kwargs)
[docs]def temporary_directory(template=None): """ Require a temporary directory. The directory is created using the ``mktemp`` command. It will be created in ``/tmp``, unless the ``TMPDIR`` environment variable is set to another location. :: from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory tmp_dir = temporary_directory() You can choose a specific location and name template for the temporary directory: :: from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory tmp_dir = temporary_directory('/var/tmp/temp.XXXXXX') You can also call this function as a context manager. In this case, the directory and its contents will be automatically deleted when exiting the block: :: from pipes import quote from posixpath import join from fabtools.require.files import temporary_directory with temporary_directory() as tmp_dir: path = join(tmp_dir, 'foo') run('touch %s' % quote(path)) """ options = ['--directory'] if template: options.append(template) options = ' '.join(options) with hide('running', 'stdout'): path = run('mktemp %s' % options) return TemporaryDirectory(path)
class TemporaryDirectory(str): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): run('rm -rf %s' % quote(self))