Source code for fabtools.system

System settings

from fabric.api import hide, run, settings

from fabtools.files import is_file
from fabtools.utils import read_lines, run_as_root

class UnsupportedFamily(Exception):
    Operation not supported on this system family.


        from fabtools.system import UnsupportedFamily, distrib_family

        family = distrib_family()
        if family == 'debian':
        elif family == 'redhat':
            raise UnsupportedFamily(supported=['debian', 'redhat'])


    def __init__(self, supported):
        self.supported = supported
        self.distrib = distrib_id() = distrib_family()
        msg = "Unsupported family %s (%s). Supported families: %s" % (, self.distrib, ', '.join(supported))
        super(UnsupportedFamily, self).__init__(msg)

[docs]def distrib_id(): """ Get the OS distribution ID. Returns a string such as ``"Debian"``, ``"Ubuntu"``, ``"RHEL"``, ``"CentOS"``, ``"SLES"``, ``"Fedora"``, ``"Arch"``, ``"Gentoo"``, ``"SunOS"``... Example:: from fabtools.system import distrib_id if distrib_id() != 'Debian': abort(u"Distribution is not supported") """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): kernel = run('uname -s') if kernel == 'Linux': # lsb_release works on Ubuntu and Debian >= 6.0 # but is not always included in other distros if is_file('/usr/bin/lsb_release'): id_ = run('lsb_release --id --short') if id in ['arch', 'Archlinux']: # old IDs used before lsb-release 1.4-14 id_ = 'Arch' return id_ else: if is_file('/etc/debian_version'): return "Debian" elif is_file('/etc/fedora-release'): return "Fedora" elif is_file('/etc/arch-release'): return "Arch" elif is_file('/etc/redhat-release'): release = run('cat /etc/redhat-release') if release.startswith('Red Hat Enterprise Linux'): return "RHEL" elif release.startswith('CentOS'): return "CentOS" elif release.startswith('Scientific Linux'): return "SLES" elif is_file('/etc/gentoo-release'): return "Gentoo" elif kernel == "SunOS": return "SunOS"
[docs]def distrib_release(): """ Get the release number of the distribution. Example:: from fabtools.system import distrib_id, distrib_release if distrib_id() == 'CentOS' and distrib_release() == '6.1': print(u"CentOS 6.2 has been released. Please upgrade.") """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): kernel = run('uname -s') if kernel == 'Linux': return run('lsb_release -r --short') elif kernel == 'SunOS': return run('uname -v')
[docs]def distrib_codename(): """ Get the codename of the Linux distribution. Example:: from fabtools.deb import distrib_codename if distrib_codename() == 'precise': print(u"Ubuntu 12.04 LTS detected") """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return run('lsb_release --codename --short')
[docs]def distrib_desc(): """ Get the description of the Linux distribution. For example: ``Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 (squeeze)``. """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): if not is_file('/etc/redhat-release'): return run('lsb_release --desc --short') return run('cat /etc/redhat-release')
[docs]def distrib_family(): """ Get the distribution family. Returns one of ``debian``, ``redhat``, ``arch``, ``gentoo``, ``sun``, ``other``. """ distrib = distrib_id() if distrib in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu', 'LinuxMint', 'elementary OS']: return 'debian' elif distrib in ['RHEL', 'CentOS', 'SLES', 'Fedora']: return 'redhat' elif distrib in ['SunOS']: return 'sun' elif distrib in ['Gentoo']: return 'gentoo' elif distrib in ['Arch', 'ManjaroLinux']: return 'arch' else: return 'other'
[docs]def get_hostname(): """ Get the fully qualified hostname. """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return run('hostname --fqdn')
[docs]def set_hostname(hostname, persist=True): """ Set the hostname. """ run_as_root('hostname %s' % hostname) if persist: run_as_root('echo %s >/etc/hostname' % hostname)
[docs]def get_sysctl(key): """ Get a kernel parameter. Example:: from fabtools.system import get_sysctl print "Max number of open files:", get_sysctl('fs.file-max') """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return run_as_root('/sbin/sysctl -n -e %(key)s' % locals())
[docs]def set_sysctl(key, value): """ Set a kernel parameter. Example:: import fabtools # Protect from SYN flooding attack fabtools.system.set_sysctl('net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies', 1) """ run_as_root('/sbin/sysctl -n -e -w %(key)s=%(value)s' % locals())
[docs]def supported_locales(): """ Gets the list of supported locales. Each locale is returned as a ``(locale, charset)`` tuple. """ family = distrib_family() if family == 'debian': return _parse_locales('/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED') elif family == 'arch': return _parse_locales('/etc/locale.gen') elif family == 'redhat': return _supported_locales_redhat() else: raise UnsupportedFamily(supported=['debian', 'arch', 'redhat'])
def _parse_locales(path): lines = read_lines(path) return list(_split_on_spaces(_strip(_remove_comments(lines)))) def _split_on_spaces(lines): return (line.split(' ') for line in lines) def _strip(lines): return (line.strip() for line in lines) def _remove_comments(lines): return (line for line in lines if not line.startswith('#')) def _supported_locales_redhat(): res = run('/usr/bin/locale -a') return [(locale, None) for locale in res.splitlines()]
[docs]def get_arch(): """ Get the CPU architecture. Example:: from fabtools.system import get_arch if get_arch() == 'x86_64': print(u"Running on a 64-bit Intel/AMD system") """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): arch = run('uname -m') return arch
[docs]def cpus(): """ Get the number of CPU cores. Example:: from fabtools.system import cpus nb_workers = 2 * cpus() + 1 """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): res = run('python -c "import multiprocessing; ' 'print(multiprocessing.cpu_count())"') return int(res)
def using_systemd(): """ Return True if using systemd Example:: from fabtools.system import use_systemd if using_systemd(): # do stuff with fabtools.systemd ... pass """ return run('which systemctl', quiet=True).succeeded
[docs]def time(): """ Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch. Same as :py:func:`time.time()` """ with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): return int(run('date +%s'))